Talk: Re-awakening the Divine Femine The dance of feminine masculine energy, how they serve each other in creation, how the rising feminine energy is re-shaping our world. 90 minute presentation.
2 week course: Feminine Rising: Each session includes a 2hour live class with a healing in the Akashic Records, plus follow-up lessons & exercises in my course platform. Lifetime access.
Session 1: What is the feminine energy, what role does it play, why it has been suppressed, herstory wihtin each of us, Akashic Healing: Unlocking the Devine Feminine Codes.
Session 2: A look into the society, cultural, and family programs; what are they, how they affect us, the shift in dynamics taking place now. Akashic Healing the programs of suppression
Session 3: The woman's Archetypes - As the Divine Feminine Energy awakens it is time to familiarize ourselves with the different roles we play. Akashic Healing: Connecting to the Goddesses of the Feminine Archetypes.
Session 4: An exploration of where the rising feminine energy is taking us as seen through the three channels of expression (health, relationships & money). Exercies to help identify, focus and connect with your inner feminine wisdom. Akashic Healing: Stepping into our expression of the Divine Feminine.